Monday, January 5, 2015

12 year slave

               how gender affected the slaves

platsey's experience
        In the movie as  I concluded being a female slave was hard than a male.In this case in the movie a girl named Platsey has to deal with working hard, rape from her master and hate from her masters wife.She has a very hard time surviving because she gets beat up and abused by her masters wife bacause she thinks  that her husband likes Platsey better than her.In the movie when Epps wife bakes brownies for the slaves she doesn't  let Platsey have any. This is a way to show her how much she hates her .Platsey gets punished for something she doesn't do.She works harder than all the other slaves but she is still punished.
platsey and the other slaves after picking the cotton
punished by Epps wife

12 year slavery

   how ownership affected the slaves

       Platt had  a master by the name Ford.Ford liked Platt and trusted him. He has a very hard time when his owner sells his farm to another owner.He sells it to Epps. Epps hates Platt out of all his slaves and make him work hard.With Epps as his owner Platt doesn't have a right to speak or tell his opinion as he did with master Ford.The little freedom that he had with Ford is taken away.In the movie when platt is building the house master Epps comes and starts talking to him and in the middle of it he knocks out the wood that platt was nailing to the house. Platt tries to defend himself sometimes but he is still beaten. When the slaves as sent to another owner from a while Platt receives favor from his temporary owner.When he gets back he goes back to his same old condition of working hard without rest.
platt at the ownership of master ford
Platt at the ownership of Epps
owned by ford

12 year slavery movie

the role that violence played in the slave society

      violence was something was embraced during the time of slavery. Many masters used violence as a way to get his slaves to listen to him.This was the best thing they got because if the slaves feared them than they would obey them.Some masters used the bible to create the violence like in the movie master Epps reads a verse from the bible but changes it in favor of him. He says that every man shall obey his master and if not he or she shall get 100 lashes.Most African Americans used God as an escape of their suffering.The violence came in many was like making them work harder, hanging,and beating them up.No woman or men wanted to be beaten so they has to do as told despite the fact that they hated it.In the movie when Platt is sent by Epps wife to go somewhere he finds to slaves being hanged which tell us they did something wrong.In the movie was also another slave called Platsey she went to get soap from her friend an when she came back she was whipped because her master thought that she ran away even when she tries to explain herself he still orders someone to beat her up.
slave violence
slave tied as punishment