Monday, December 22, 2014

slave narratives

          slave narratives

                Tony Morgan

He was a slave in Alabama.He was born in Danville Kentucky about 1779. Tony was interviewed by Jim Thomas in October 1 1884.He was 105 years old.In his interview he recalls working as a wagoner in the American vs British war.Tony talks about how the British surrendered in November 6.George Washington visited Frankfort.He talks about how he was among many slaves.He says that the night that the American troops were attacked by Indians, the defenders had been sleeping.He also says the Indians retreated with scalps and a few negro prisoners.Morgan recalls carrying mail from Alabama through the state and Mississippi.

        I think Tony is very lucky for he is 105 and is still alive although his life was not worth living for he was a slave.




Monday, December 15, 2014

Tecumseh's speech


During the winter of 1811, an Indian warrior named Tecumseh gave a speech.It was dedicated to his fellow Indians in motivation for the fight of freedom against white men.Tecumseh's speech was written with anger,vengeance and the thirst of spilling white blood.His anger towards the whites is because of the insults and abuse they've gotten from them.His anger is shown in the quote "we will stain the earth red with blood."Vengeance boils like hot lava in Tecumseh's heart.He is determined to do whatever it takes to avenge their fathers.He quotes "they will make it fat with blood;they will drink the blood of the white men.In this quote Tecumseh means that the whites shall make their fathers grave fat with blood.The anger he has is what is pushing him to the point of revenge.

           song relating to Tecumseh's speech

Tecumseh's speech
The song "so what" by Pink relates to Tecumseh's speech.She says "I guess I just lost my husband, i don't know where he went".This relates to how Tecumseh and his tribe have lost their lands and freedom.Pink also says that "I got a brand new attitude and i'm gonna wear it............I wanna start a fight.The lyrics to this song shows the similar experience of how Tecumseh's attitude towards the whites had changed and how he is ready to start a fight.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Slavery in America

          slavery in America

  • It began in the 17th century.
  • 1619 first slaves arrive in America.
  • 1831 a slave rebellion happened.
  • 1817  a Maryland slave was born    
  • By 1860 there are 4 million African American slaves in America.

  • 1860 Abraham Lincoln elected president.
  • 1861 the civil war began
  • By March 1861, 7 states in the north freed blacks.
  • Civil war ended in 1865.
  • In 1865 slavery was abolished.

African American Slaves
civil war map
first slaves in America

Religion in the early 1800s

      Religion in the early 1800s

  • During the 1800s there were lots of religions in America.There were baptists, Methodists,Lutherans and others.The second great awakening was a protestant revival that was held in the 19th century in America.


  • Were the largest christian grouping in the united states.
  • There are several types of Baptists like general Baptists and particular Baptists.
  • The first Baptists in America came in 1639.


  • Originated as a revival in the 18th century. 
  • Many Methodists groups joined together in the 20th century.
  • on 1784 the first Methodists came to America.


  • Founder is Martin Luther King.
  • It was a Us and Canada church body that existed from 1962 to 1987.
  • In 1960 a number of Lutherans joined to make the American Lutheran church


  • on April 6 1830, Smith established the church of Christ.
  • The Missouri Mormons  settled in a town called Far West in the northern part of the state.
  • In 1834 after being assaulted by the mob 15,000 mormons retreated to Illinois.

                   Presbyterians and congregationists 


Monday, November 24, 2014

Lewis and clark expedition

  Lewis and Clark expedition  

  • To research the western world and find out what america was up against when they moved to the west.
  • To find the source of the Mississippi river.                                   map of the  corps of discovery

Lewis and Clark route

       september 9 1804

  • it was on a sunday they started to continue with their journey, they passed three sand and willow islands.
  • he saw one view near the river 500 buffalos.
  • clark found the land shore under high bluff.
    august 24 1804
  • there was some rain and as usual they continued they passed a small river called by the indians  white stone river.
  • the river was about 30 yards wide.
  • the indians were suppose to kill anyone who trie to climb the hill.
   august 13 1804
  • monday morning there was day light and a breeze from the south east.
lewis and clark finally found  the pacific ocean.

lewis and clark

on the boat

Monday, November 17, 2014

Letter to Family from the West

     letter to family from the west

Dear Family,
               It brings tears to my eyes knowing we are never going to see each other again but I think it was a good decision for me to leave home. I just arrived in California.The reason I moved to the West is because I have a better chance for a good life.The gold in California can make me rich.
              My journey was very rocky.The journey was so long that some families ran out of food.24,000 have died on this journey. I heard that George's family ate each other. They took a wrong turn thinking it was a shorter way to get to where they wanted but they were in for a treat. Five feet of snow fell on them the night their wagon broke down. They could not continue the journey with this snow so they camped and very soon they were out of food. The only way to survive was so eat each other. The wagons carried everything we all needed to start this new life.This is unbelievable but 1 in 5 women were pregnant.
                 The spirit of America has been shown in some people I heard that Smith was attacked by a glizly bear but he survived and continued with the expedition. Native American were not friendly. They kidnapped Boone's son James and tortured him to death. The beaver was traded for weapons like guns. I heard that Mexicans invited Americans to Texas but they soon out numbered the Mexicans. when I got here I was told that the population of California has gone from 15,000 to 100,000 in two years. There are more people still coming.
native Americans
          Mercy Njogu

Monday, November 10, 2014

Election day

                 Election Day

  • The election day happens on the Tuesday, next to the  first Monday of October.
  • The election day is considered as a holiday for some states like, Delaware, Hawaii, Kentucky,Montana,New Jersey,New York, Ohio, West Virginia and Massachusetts.
  • The election happens on a Tuesday because the Federal law requires that the election be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November.
my elected officials are: 
  • Edward Markey(D)
  • Elizabeth Warren(R)
  • Representative Niki Tsongas represents me in congress
Sen. Edward Markey and sen. Elizabeth Warren are the senators that also rep me.
mass 3rd congressional district

  •  Niki Tsonga's (democrat) is my house of representative

  •  Eileen M. Donoghue,Thomas Holden jr and Nicolas Tsongas are my representatives in Boston.
  • Elizabeth Warren ( democrat) and Ed markey (democrat) are massachusetts  senators.
  • The houses of rep include 
  •  Massachusetts representative is Niki Tsongas (democrat)
    branches of the government
    charlie baker

    mass flag

    Thursday, October 23, 2014

    War of 1812

     The war of 1812 and SSB.

    • the war of 1812 was fought because  of American anger toward great Britain for impressing the sailors and British support of Indian attacks
    • neither the Americans nor the British people won the battle of 1812 but the impressement of the American sailors from the British people stopped.
    map of the 1812 war

    • the star spangled banner was written by Francis Scott key.
    • he was inspired by the battle of Baltimore during the 1812 war.
    • the author of the star spangled banner was a 35 year old lawyer and a poet.
        written version of the star spangled banner
    oh say can you observe the mornings bright light, how proudly we saluted at the glowing light of the horizon.Those large stripes and shinning stars through the dangerous battle.o'er the barricade we stared were so gloriously streaming, and the rockets loud sparks the explosions flying in air, gave proof through the darkness that our flag was standing still. oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

    Monday, October 20, 2014

    Journey to school

    Journey to school 

    interesting things

    • on my journey to school i find nothing interesting on the way. 
    • the only thing i see are mills and a river.

    • it would not be very hard for me to keep details of my journey but i would not enjoy it because i walk a very short distance and nothing interesting ever happens on the way.

    Declaration of independence


    Thomas Jefferson:King George, i speak for the Americans as a colony  and we wish and desire to declare our independence back.
    King George: who do you think you are asking me to do that, America belongs to me now and there is nothing you can do to make me thing twice about taking America as a colony.
    Thomas Jefferson:but we do have the right to reclaim America it is our nation we found it and we get to keep it.
    King George:i need America to promote my trading business,for money and i also need land.i will fight to get that land one way or another.
    Thomas Jefferson:we are not asking for much just for these three grievances life, liberty,and the pursuit of happiness.
    King George:never will i surrender. 
    Thomas Jefferson:the colonies have done alot of things to prove to you that they deserve their own freedom.
    King George:what things have they done
    Thomas Jefferson:they wrote the declaration of independence and they have been royal to you.

    Thomas Jefferson: the Americans are suffering under you and yet they have a mind to come up with the declaration of independence.If you do not hear us we will fight for what is ours.
    King George:i will never agree. let the war begin i have a very good trained army and i am sure we will win.
    Thomas Jefferson: we will fight to death for our freedom.
    King George:good luck. i have heard the patriots don't even have shoes to survive the winter,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         so you think they will win and they sleep in this cabins during winter.
    Thomas Jefferson:its just one winter. 
    King George: just one winter they will never survive and you will run out of men to fight for you and you will be forced to surrender.
    (after the winter and training of Americans)
    Thomas Jefferson: just so you haven't heard the patriots are getting better than the redcoats

    Thomas Jefferson: may the best army win.

    Compromises of the constitution

    compromises of the constitution 

              The great compromise

    • Edmund Randolph and James Madison put forward the Virginia Plan that called for a government much like the one we have today. There would be three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. The legislative branch would be made up of two houses; however, unlike our national government today, representation in both houses would be based upon a state’s population.
    • Smaller states like Delaware and New Jersey objected to the Virginia Plan saying that the large states would easily outvote them in Congress if the number of votes were based on population. After weeks of debate, William Patterson of New Jersey put forth a plan that called for three branches including a legislature with only one house where each state would have one vote. The New Jersey Plan with a single house legislature and equal representation was more like Congress under the Articles.  

                 The fifth compromise

    Boston marathon

     The Boston marathon

                   Miranda warnings
    • There was an argument about the suspect on his right to have a Miranda warning.
    • The investigations of Boston have said they have enough evidence to prosecute the suspect.
    • they say the don't have time to get him to         confess he did it but to find out if he knows anything about their plans. 
                        death penalty
    • an issue came up if the suspect was eligible for death penalty.
    • Massachusetts doesn't have a death penalty but the suspect is being tried in a federal court.
    • Tsarnaev will be tried for use of a destructive weapon and property destruction resulting to death. 
    • the department says death penalty is an option.
    •  on that Monday Tsarnaev and his brother used unregistered guns for fatal assault.
    • it is said that Tsarnaev became a citizen a year before the bombing.
    • his citizenship was delayed when they found out he had been interviewed by the FBI at the request of Russian government 

    Monday, September 8, 2014

    French Indian war


    who:The war was fought between the colonies of British American and New France, with both sides supported by military units from their parent countries of Great Britain and France, as well as Native American allies.

    what:  1756 to 1763

    when: In the early 1750s, France’s expansion into the Ohio River valley repeatedly brought it into conflict with the claims of the British colonies, especially Virginia.

    from 1756 to 1763.

    causes of the war:The French and British were involved in a dispute over the Ohio River territory and the allegiance of the Native American nations found there. 

    Results of the war: As a result of the British victory in the French and Indian War, France was effectively expelled from the New World. They relinquished virtually all of their New World possessions including all of Canada. They did manage to retain a few small islands off the coast of Canada and in the Caribbean. They also agreed to stay out of India, which made Great Britain the supreme military power in that part of Asia. In addition, as compensation for Spain’s loss of Florida to England, Spain was awarded the Louisiana territory.