Monday, December 15, 2014

Tecumseh's speech


During the winter of 1811, an Indian warrior named Tecumseh gave a speech.It was dedicated to his fellow Indians in motivation for the fight of freedom against white men.Tecumseh's speech was written with anger,vengeance and the thirst of spilling white blood.His anger towards the whites is because of the insults and abuse they've gotten from them.His anger is shown in the quote "we will stain the earth red with blood."Vengeance boils like hot lava in Tecumseh's heart.He is determined to do whatever it takes to avenge their fathers.He quotes "they will make it fat with blood;they will drink the blood of the white men.In this quote Tecumseh means that the whites shall make their fathers grave fat with blood.The anger he has is what is pushing him to the point of revenge.

           song relating to Tecumseh's speech

Tecumseh's speech
The song "so what" by Pink relates to Tecumseh's speech.She says "I guess I just lost my husband, i don't know where he went".This relates to how Tecumseh and his tribe have lost their lands and freedom.Pink also says that "I got a brand new attitude and i'm gonna wear it............I wanna start a fight.The lyrics to this song shows the similar experience of how Tecumseh's attitude towards the whites had changed and how he is ready to start a fight.

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