Monday, February 23, 2015

Trail of Tears

            TRAIL OF TEARS

black hawk war
The Indian removal act  was an act that was signed into law by president Andrew Jackson on May 28 1830 authorizing the removal of the Indians from the east to the western territory. This law lead to the The trail of tears. It was the journey of the Cherokee nation towards the west after being removed from their land in the east. In May 1832 the fox Indians under the leadership of the Black Hawks left their Iowa territory to return to their home in northern Illinois.Black Hawk began to plan a war against the Americans for their land.In may the Black Hawks war was won by the Indians.In 1835 to 1842 there was a conflict between various native American groups which led to a war called the second Seminole war also known as the Florida war.It was the longest and most costly conflict between Indians.
Trail of tears map

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